Sponsored Ad Blocker

Sponsored Ad Blocker 1.0.1058

Image Sponsored Ad Blocker 1.0.1058
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Total votes: 0 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows XP

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Blocks all sponsored ads in search engines"

Search engines are characterized by displaying a series of sponsored links when searching for any type of information. Sponsored Ad Blocker allows you to remove them completely.

Thanks to this you will be able to avoid the annoying appearance of these links, which hinder access to the desired content due to their location at the top of the results. The effectiveness of Sponsored Ad Blocker is quite high, as it is capable of removing the vast majority of links that appear in all types of searches.

The program is fully compatible with search engines such as Yahoo and Google, among many others.

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